Incorrectly displayed names

I do not know if this is a wildfire problem directly or a spark problem… so here goes wildfire server 3.2.2 spark 2.0.8… I creat a new user in the admin console of wildfire, go to client install spark and login fine, but name is displayed wrong in spark, and also on my spark running on a different machine I see her in the group and it is displayed wrong as well… not just her but any like this… Created user named “mary gorski” without the quotes, and a user called “ted miller” without quotes, BUT in spark they show up as mary\20gorski and ted\20miller… it is putting a \20 where a space should be… is there NO SPACES allowed?? or is this a bug in the program?? funny thing it will allow you to register from a client, but using the plugin REGISTRATION… and trying to create an account from the page:http://blahblahblah:9090/plugins/registration/sign-up.jsp it WILL NOT allow me to create any account with a space in the name. any ideas??

Hi Stealth,

You are creating valid names which are being escaped properly in the server. This issue is a Spark one and will be fixed in the upcoming beta release. Thanks for the report.




Will that also fix the issue when using the registration plugin, when you try to just create an account from the web page using names like “test user” or anything with a space in the name, it gives error: INVALID USERNAME…

Is this also tied into that problem, as this seem wildfire related more that spark related… Just FYI…

Hi Stealth111,

I’'m not able to reproduce this problem with the registration plugin. Are you trying to create users with a space in their username?



Hi Stealth111,

I think I posted too soon, it looks like the username is not being escaped properly in the registration plugin. I’'ll make the necessary changes to the plugin and ask that a new version be posted for download.

