Incorrectly displayed names

I do not know if this is a wildfire problem directly or a spark problem… so here goes wildfire server 3.2.2 spark 2.0.8… I creat a new user in the admin console of wildfire, go to client install spark and login fine, but name is displayed wrong in spark, and also on my spark running on a different machine I see her in the group and it is displayed wrong as well… not just her but any like this… Created user named “mary gorski” without the quotes, and a user call “ted miller” without quotes, BUT in spark they show up as mary\20gorski and ted\20miller… it is putting a \20 where a space should be… is there NO SPACES allowed?? or is this a bug in the program?? funny thing it will allow you to register from a client, but using the plugin REGISTRATION… and trying to create an account from the page:http://blahblahblah:9090/plugins/registration/sign-up.jsp it WILL NOT allow me to create any account with a space in the name. any ideas??

SPARK-575 /