Information about user in muc presence frame


This is my story i wrote a chat application (gwt, lib: emite) with openfire 3.8.1. My application assumes that
all users have access to main (static) room, so do not user roster im my app, because i get all info about status from that main room. My app works great, but when i update openfire to 3.8.2 ther is a one problem. Now my presence frame does not contain information about useruri, ther is my code snippet:

final XmppURI occupantURI = presence.getFrom(); final Presence.Type type = presence.getType(); ................................... if (!Presence.Type.error.equals(type)) {
            final XMLPacket xmuc = presence.getExtension("x", XmppNamespaces.MUC_USER); //
            if (xmuc != null) {
                final XMLPacket item = xmuc.getFirstChild("item");
                final String affiliation = item.getAttribute("affiliation");
                final String role = item.getAttribute("role");                               XmppURI userUri = XmppURI.uri(item.getAttribute("jid")); <-- Now this is null !

As you can see, presence stanza contains info in namespace about user, but now ther is null :confused:

Is there any configuration in server (openfire ver 3.8.2) that this information about user is in muc presence frame ?

I also must mention that all my users is comming using LDAP connection .

Thanks for response