Installing OfMeet on Openfire 3.9.0


I am trying to test OfMeet, las update. Currently I am running with version 1.1 of january the 7th. I have only videoconf on full screen and not chat windows as in screenshots, there is no buttons to cut the cam or something else as in jitsivideobridge on

When I try to update it to the last build (fisheye), to upgrade with screenshare, I only have the Ofmeet Interface without any video or screenshare

See attached screenshots.

Thanks for your help guys.

It is still being developed and changing every day. I suggest you upgrade to latest code and if you still have problems, try pasting your Google chrome log (Tools| Javascript console)

Thank Dele for your response. I have upgraded it to last code using jitsivideobridge.jar file taken in fisheye, but still the same issue, I don’t know why, but with the last version , i can’t see anything (nor video nor tchat part) and with the version of 7 january, I can see video only.

Thanks for your help.

Below tje log in javascript console :

This appears to be Chrome main.js:242

status 1 main.js:90

status 3 main.js:90

connected main.js:78

getConstraints [“audio”, “video”] 720 undefined undefined main.js:302


Object {audio: Object, video: Object}

  1. audio: Object
  2. video: Object
  3. proto: Object


rayo colibri register got error main.js:191
onUserMediaSuccess main.js:287

mediaready.rayo main.js:115

doJoin jsw3k6ish785xw29 main.js:438

When trying to access to screenshare : https://your_server:7443/ofmeet/?r=muc_room&screen=true

This appears to be Chrome main.js:242

status 1 main.js:90

status 3 main.js:90

connected main.js:78

getConstraints [“screen”] undefined undefined undefined main.js:302


Object {audio: false, video: Object}


Failed to get access to local media. Error NavigatorUserMediaError {constraintName: “”, message: “”, name: “PermissionDeniedError”} main.js:291

  1. mediafailure.rayo [object Object] main.js:120
  2. (anonymous function)main.js:120
  3. x.event.dispatchjquery.min.js:4
  4. y.handlejquery.min.js:4
  5. x.event.triggerjquery.min.js:4
  6. (anonymous function)jquery.min.js:4
  7. x.extend.eachjquery.min.js:3
  8. x.fn.x.eachjquery.min.js:3
  9. x.fn.extend.triggerjquery.min.js:4
  10. (anonymous function)main.js:292

  11. rayo colibri register got error main.js:191

According to your log file, you have not given Chrome permissions to capture your desktop screen

Allow web pages to request access to the screen contents via the getUserMedia() API. #enable-usermedia-screen-capture. You must enable this flag via “chrome://flags”

Thanks, now I can see screensharing.

First point, i have two monitors and the two monitors are shown. Is it possible to choose the one to share ?

Second, is it possible to see the cam and the screen share ?

Third, How participant can connect to the conference ? When I tried, it generate another screenshare although it is the same url.

And I cannot see the chat window … Any suggestion ? Here is the log now :

This appears to be Chrome main.js:242

status 1 main.js:90

status 3 main.js:90

connected main.js:78



undefined undefined undefined main.js:302




Failed to get access to local media. Error



  1. mediafailure.rayo [object Object] main.js:120
  2. (anonymous function)main.js:120

  3. rayo colibri register got error main.js:191

Another point : I can use all functionalities connected on

Thanks for your work!

Is it possible to choose the one to share ?

No. Chrome does support it yet, but there is an open issue to fix it.

Second, is it possible to see the cam and the screen share ?
How participant can connect to the conference ?

Yes. Use the latest version of Ofmeet, there is now a button to add/remove your screen from the conference. It uses the publish.html web page in an iframe

And I cannot see the chat window … Any suggestion ? Here is the log now :

Chrome failed to get access to your webcam or screen. Just refresh. It happens a few times


I cannot see your response although I have received email alert with it.

Yes it seems to be chrome, but I have a simple configuration by default… I don’t understand why I cannot see buttons on top of the window and the chat window…

Edit : With le last update I can’t get it work now … here is the log :

This appears to be Chrome main.js:225

status 1 main.js:96

status 3 main.js:96

WebSocket connection to ‘wss:// ehfr’ failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404 strophe-openfire.js:192

status 6 main.js:96

Why it is now using username and password and where the plugin get it ? I have to specify it in the url ?

I can seen my cam and my two screens with no problem, but impossible to see the chat window (Enter a username …)

switch websockets off in config.js if you dont have the websockets plugin installed


i sugest you keep your own copy of config.js.

Thanks Dele great job !

Now I can’t understand why buttons are not shown on top of the window …

Any idea ?

How well do you know Javascript?

It happens in line 698 with showToolbar();

That happens when jitsivideobridge sends a webRTC offer which happens when the user enters the MUC room.

Check you chrome log for any relevant messages

It’s been 5 years old I have not do javascript …

I have some undefined message on doJoin and on presence…

This appears to be Chrome main.js:225

status 1 main.js:96

status 3 main.js:96

connected main.js:79

doJoin xrv377z9tij54s4i undefined main.js:422

getConstraints [“audio”, “video”] 360 undefined undefined main.js:285


Object {audio: Object, video: Object}


onUserMediaSuccess main.js:270

mediaready.rayo main.js:121

  1. rayo colibri register got error main.js:829rayoCallback main.js:468onPresError muc.js:95

Developped logs :

rayoCallback main.js:468onPresError muc.js:95

It is as if it cannot connect to the server…

looks like you are using IP address to access openfire

It does not work properly. modify you network accept proper host names or edit your OS hosts file to create a DNS entry for the IP address.

In windows, you can edit windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts

Nice job !

Thank you very much ! it is a very good solution !

I tried screen sharing by clicking on button, chrome ask me to share, I accept, but I can’t see my desktop, I have a black screen and no errors in javascript console. But when I try to connect with ip address and &screen=true, I can see my desktop but no video of my cam.

Here the log :

rayo colibri answer set ok stable publish.js:502


Object {audio: Object, video: Object}



Object {audio: Object, video: Object}


This appears to be Chrome publish.js:106

status 1 publish.js:47

status 3 publish.js:47

connected publish.js:39

doJoin w4z1b8718257b9 publish.js:260

getConstraints [“screen”] undefined undefined undefined publish.js:166


Object {audio: false, video: Object}


onUserMediaSuccess publish.js:151

mediaready.rayo publish.js:62

rayo colibri register set ok publish.js:516

MediaStreamEvent {stream: MediaStream, clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection…}

false publish.js:395

rayoCallback publish.js:277handleOffer publish.js:291handleOffer track video publish.js:316onstream sendAnswer publish.js:414rayoCallback publish.js:277rayoCallback main.js:468rayoCallback main.js:468handleSSRC input ssrc main.js:534

MediaStreamEvent {stream: MediaStream, clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection…}

true main.js:683

  1. onstream handleAddSSRC modify ok have-remote-offer main.js:572rayoCallback publish.js:277rayoCallback publish.js:277
    rayo colibri answer set ok stable publish.js:502

I will suggest you some addings in the comming days !

Example :

  • connecting from outside and inside network : it is never the same url, if it can be done it will be good.

  • Authentication

  • Filtering IP addresses or subnets that can create rooms or just connect to a room (Without authentication, user can only enter to a secure room , with authentication he can create room and enter to a room. Screensharing possible for all users or not).

It will be cool to get a web panel on openfire to control that.

Great job man !!!

Hi all, I am new so I am bit confused. I installed Openfire 3.8.2. I would like to test Ofmeet but i cannot find where download it.

Maybe I am wrong? I mean, i just need to install openfire 3.9.0 and ofmeet is embedded into it?

Sorry for confusion…

Steve, Ofmeet is not a part of openfire,it is a part of jitsivideobride plugin.Browse Ofmeet by uploading jitsivideobridge plugin to openfire 3.9.0 pre-build by https://your_server:7443/ofmeet/ .

Hi guys,

if someone has an idea for screeshare issue, let me know please. I have not found my issue yet.

I start screensharing but I have a black window and a small black window in the bottom. When I try to click on my video small window, I can’t see myself on the big window…


Dele any idea on my problem ?

I can :

  • create a conf room and see myself , all the interface without any issue in console

  • see my screenshare when I access to a room without DNS name resolution but as you say we need a dns entry

I can’t :

  • share the screen, I have a black window although chrome ask me to share the desktop (getusermedia activated)

  • when people try to access to my link (room), they only see a black window, and screensharing not working

If you can’t get a DNS entry, then edit config.js to match your Openfire configuration and use an IP address to access. It could work, but I have not tried it.

HI Dele,

I already do that. But even if I use a dns entry I cannot screenshare or share a visio.