Is it possible to update a Pubsub item?

Hi All,

I need to be able to update the payload data of a pubsub item. So in the database, openfire puts all items related to a node in the ofpubsubitem table.

I tried to resend an item with the same id as the item i wanted to update but the server just generates a new id and saves it as a new entry in the database.

Also i noticed that openfire updates memory by reading the db every 5 minutes, is there anyway to change this value i.e a property i can set?



The source code version will in fact overwrite the existing item as it is supposed to, but the released version has a bug where it will do as you have described.

Great thanks for the ehads up.

Do this also apply where for example user1@ publishes item with id=12345 to nodeZ. The user2@ publishes item with id=12345 to nodeZ? So can another publisher to that node also update an item that they didnt original?

I require publishers to be able to update any item payload.



As per the spec, the user is irrelevent, only the matching id actually matters. Any consecutively published item with the same id will simply overwrite the existing one.

great, i look forward to trying the newer version.



I just tried to create a windows installer from the openfire source using install4j but I get the following error that 'the startup.jar file cannot be found in the release/openfire/lib folder.

Preparing configuration

Creating media file ‘Windows’:
Collecting files:
Compiling launchers:
Compiling launcher ‘Openfire’:
Compiling launcher ‘GUI Launcher’:
Compiling launcher ‘openfired’:
Creating media file:
Preparing custom code JAR file:

Build failed. Reason: C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\openfire\target\release\openfire\lib\startup.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)

Im just wondering if theres anything else I have to do to get this all complied. Ive never used install4j before.

Any help would be much appreciated.



fixed this now.
