Is there a Bug in Openfire 3.6.3 LDAP integration with SQL Express 2005

This weekend i updatet my old 3.4.x installation to 3.6.3… at first nothing worked, then i noticed i have to update the database also. i ran all updatescripts from 14 to 20. In update 19 i had to put exec before sp_rename procedure. After that openfire service started and i reset all missing settings because OF put many things from openfire.xml into the ofProperties Table and messes things up. Everything looked fine till i restarted OF-Service. After that authentification was reset to default, adminuser was reset and servername set to I have the feeling that some thing’s in the openfire.xlm <-> ofPropertys synchronization go wrong on second startup. I tried to run initial setup, new sql database, new config…every first starup ldap works, first restart -> standard authentication, adminuser reset and servername initialized. My last hope was the embedded-db and for now everything works. Anyone else with similar Problems? Oh by the way Web-Adminconsole menu is messed up in Google Chrome…