It Doesn't show List of available workgroups within Fastpath

I have FasthPath installed en Ubuntu Openfire 3.5.2.

FasthPath was working excellent, until i upgraded to FasthPath 4.0.0 in this morning.

Since this moment, in the website:

It Doesn’t show List of available workgroups within Fastpath

Thank you

I have Server 2003 with Openfire 3.5.2. I installed Fastpath Webchat 4.0.0 and it isn’t showing my workgroups either.


I figured my issues out. Turns out that I had changed my server name a while back. I was different than my domain name. I changed it back and it worked.

Are you sure the plugin installed correctly? You may have gotten a partial upgrade. The only guaranteed way to upgrade plugins is to stop openfire, delete the old plugin and install the new one.

Mr Schmidt and Todd Getz:

Thank you for your help.

Both were right.

i hadn’t made this changes:

  1. Execute the following SQL: **DELETE FROM jiveVersion WHERE name = 'fastpath'**
  2. Execute the following SQL (this may fail if you never had enterprise instaled, that is ok): **UPDATE fpWorkgroupProp SET propValue = REPLACE(propValue, 'com.jivesoftware.openfire.fastpath','org.jivesoftware.openfire.fastpath')**
  3. Execute the following SQL (this may fail if you never had enterprise installed, that is ok): **UPDATE fpAgentProp SET propValue = REPLACE(propValue, 'com.jivesoftware.openfire.fastpath','org.jivesoftware.openfire.fastpath')**
  4. Start up your server. If you had enterprise installed, you -will- see an SQL error show up, but it should only show up once and is ok. (it is an attempt to recreate a table that already exists) The error will look like: **fastpath - Database update failed. Please manually upgrade your database**
    And… my host name in faspath configuration was wrong…

Thank you !