Java memory never decreases?

Hi guys,

I have installed wildfire and java memory is setup to 128mb. It seems that the memory in use always increase, sometimes decreases a bit but most of the time increases. Is this normal? We just set up a web based chat using JabberHttpBinding and we have few users online.

thanks in advance.


you may specify a min size (Xms) and a max size (Xmx) for java processes. If the free memory within the JVM decreases to an assigned value (30% or something like this) its memory will be increased up to Xmx. If the free memory increases to an assigned value (60% or something like this) its memory will be decreased.

As increasing the memory takes some time it is recommended to tune the JVM that it does not increase or decrease the memory with normal workload.

If you set Xms=Xmx then it will never change - but if the JVM needs temporarily more memory than Xmx then it will terminate with an OutOfMemory error.


Thanks a lot!


to complete the answer, the parameters are -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio and -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio, visit if you want to tune your JVM a little bit or for the details about both parameters.