java.util.MissingResourceException is thrown while compiling

I am trying to compile the source code and I got to a point where a java.util.MissingResourceException is thrown in

The following is what (I think) causes the exception to be thrown:

Line 31: private static final String resourceBaseName = “messenger_i18n”;

Line 227: ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourceBaseName, locale);

I found several messenger_i18n_???.properties files in \resources\i18n directory. Am I supposed to modify the resourceBaseName to point to one of these files?

Please help.

Hey powerfu,

Like I said in url= thread /url, it will be easier if you run the server from the ant task.

To run the server from the IDE you will need to:

. add src/i18n as a source folder to your project and

. add src/resources/jar to your classpath


– Gato