Jingle as Alternative to Skype


Long story short:

How far away are we with Spark as an JINGLE alternative to Skype for audio/video chat across platforms? Lets say Mac <-> Windows?

Do I need Red5?

Besides Spark, are there any other promising projects with a similar destination? Ideally running against a standard Openfire server?




I am using Openfire and spark for IM. So far I have not been able to get Spark/jingle working with Voice to a satisfactory level.

I have been able to get it working ok with SIP but it’s not the right level of integration between clients.

I have had more luck with Jitsi, the jingle implementation seems rock solid. It’s not as easy to deploy but for now, Jitsi looks like a good choice.

However, I notice the latest release of Smack seems to have some Jingle improvements in it, hope to see some improvements in spark when it is integrated into a proper build. For now, I can’t even make jingle calls in the latest build, or when i upgrade the smack client.

Thanks for the update. Your tests were made on a recent Spark2.6 nightly or 2.6 release?

Running nightly build, 12285 I believe

same here…

i´m using openfire 3.7.0 and latest Spark release 2.6.0

STUN and router settings made

no JingleButtons, and there are no JingleButtons in clients connected over LAN

I don´t know what it is.

i found very less informations about jinglenodes and openfire

jinglenodes.org isn´t very helpful hehe

Take a look at Redfire ver 0.0.4 as it has support for RTMFP which s a true peer-to-peer alternative to Skype for both audio and video. It uses RTMP (Red5) as fallback when there is no route between peers.

We played with Redfire but it seems to establish Peer to peer, then launches the call into a Web browser applet. Call Quality was great but i couldn’t say the same about the integration with Spark!

I am willing to try, but the only copy I can find is a .war file on google codeplex. Are there windows binaries I can install?

That was version 0.0.3 before beta testing and feedback

Version 0.0.4 now has better integrated for Windows users and launches video in native windows using IE in background. It also uses the echo cancellation feature of Flash Player 10.3.

No binaries. Peer-to-peer all happens in Flash Player. You will need latest version 10.3

You will also need to install the new version of the Redfire plugin (0.4) for Openfire and you will find the updated Redfire Spark Plugin (0.6) is in the spark folder.

Have you also added stun server to Spark clients spark.properties files? http://community.igniterealtime.org/docs/DOC-2187