Jitsi Message Carbons/route.all-resources not working


I tried a few xmpp clients that works but I like the features that Jitsi has. However, I only got Message Carbon and route.all-resources to work once. After that it stopped working all together. The time I got it work was when I was logged in with only 1 Jitsi client and stopped when I logged with Jitsi on another computer.

Message Carbon is enabled and I didn’t disable it in the application. Gajim and Yaxim works even if the messages originated from Jitsi.


All the clients that I’ve used to log in simultaneously all receive the message except for Jitsi.

Anyone hints on how to get Jitsi to work with Openfire 3.10.0 with Message Carbons and route to all resources?


Route.all-resources routes same message to all resources with the same highest priority. Maybe Jitsi has different priorities for every login with the same username?

You don’t have to use route.all-resources property if a client supports Message Carbons. Message Carbons will sync both incoming and outgoing messages.

As it works with at least 3 known clients (Yaxim, Conversations, Gajim) i would suspect something on the Jitsi end. Try contacting Jitsi developers.