Join a conference on signin

In our company, I’d like everyone to automatically join our company conference upon sign in to the jabber server. Is this possible?

Would it also be possible to not open the conference window on the client side upon sign in, just when someone says something?

If automatic join on sign in isn’t possible, could this be solved another way? E.g. subscribing to a conference (just like I would subscribe to/add another user)?

All help is greatly appreciated.

In Spark (and serveral other clients) you can bookmark a conference room. For Spark, just click on the conference tab, right click on the conference service, browse service, select the room and click on add to bookmarks. Now you can see the room listed under the conference service. Right click on it and select join at Startup. For adding a bookmark in Psi you need to use the XML Console, since there is no user interface for this

Other clients (not all) will also see this bookmark and will join at signin. Psi does since 0.11.

As far as I know, there is no option to hide the window until a message is sent.

You are the best! I’ve wanted this from the beginning but never even thought to rt click on the bookmarked conference room. Sweeet! Thanks.


if you use Spark then you can do this using the command line option, see Command Line Startup Options. Other clients may or may not have similar start options.


I think I must be missing some room options during set up because we tested this and it isnt working. We can bookmark the room, then rt click and check join at startup, however when we log out and log back in the bookmark is missing and we are not joined either. Can you assist with this?

Maybe Private Data Storage is disabled on the server. Openfire Admin Console > Server > Server Settings > Private Data Storage