JSJaC and Strophe connection problem


i have installed openfire 3.6.3, enabled Http Bind, setted up proxy in apache.

so whan i enter http://something/http-bind, i’m redirected to http://something:7070/http-bind/

whan I enter both addresses into firefox, i get the same




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i supose, this i OK

now, the problem

i’m trying to connect here with JSJaC and Strophe examples. Both faile.

*JSJaC writes: *

An error occured:
Code: 503
Type: cancel
Condition: service-unavailable

example configuration:

http binding checked

http base: http://something/http-bind

jabber server: something

Strophe just:

Strophe is connecting.

Strophe is disconnecting.


var BOSH_SERVICE = ‘http://something/http-bind

jid: user@something

after looking into packets sent between browser and Server, both, JSJaC and Strophe send request to server and get the same response:




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any hints, what am i doing wrong?

Any break-through on this? I have been on this issue for so long, I might just lose my customer! I looked at every single post on this forum, lots of threads with no real answer. Does openfire’s http-bind work or not?!? Is this error 400 normal or not? Is http-bind ever gonna work with Apache2?

I always contribute on forums when I have the chance. It would be nice if someone could take the time to shed some light with some definitive answers. It would help a LOT of frustrated people (I am not pointing my finger on nobody of course… Openfire, XIFF, the whole lot is great. It’d be just nice if who got it to work could help the community…)

The response HTTP ERROR is the correct response so don’t worry about that. It is expecting a HTTP POST- not a GET.

We have Openfire working with BOSH using XIFF without an issue and it is stable.

Could you post more details on how you have the proxy setup and have you modified any of the binding properties in Openfire?

Is Openfire on the same server or a different server to Apache?

Have you tried connecting directly using the binding port: http://something:7070/http-bind/

You only need to use the proxy to avoid firewall issues but I recommend you first get it working directly.

Let me know how you go.