Latest XIFF3 Beta Code

Where/When can I access the latest XIFF3 beta code? Gato told me yesterday that the code currently in the SVN is out dated.

I will soon be developing an AS3 only (as in not using flex) XIFF client and I cant wait to get started

As far as I can tell the copy in Subversion was last updated on December 16th.

Sean has now uploaded the latest version. Thanks Sean.

I have had to make some changes to get it to compile in an AS3 only project. So far I have only changed the Roster to not extend an arraycollection, it now extends EventDispatcher and contains an array.

Once I have a working example like the one supplied with xiff v2 I will be happy to share it with anyone that wants it.

Hi Dean … Thanks for pointing that out. I will add to the to-do list.