LDAP Configuration Data missing on setting form

LDAP Configuration Data is not displayed when I edit LDAP settings as follows

Profile Settings:

Directory Server (LDAP)

Host: mydomain

Port: myport

Base DN: DC=“mydomain”

Administrator DN: CN=“myuser”,OU=“myou”,DC=“mydomain”

Click on Edit.

Profile Settings - Directory Server

LDAP Server

Host: mydomain port:myport

Base DN: DC=


Administrator DN: CN=

Password: …

As you notice above, both Base and Administrator DN data is missing in the text field.

this is a know error with version 3.6.x including 3.6.1. you can edit the settings via the system properties to avoid this error. I have created a new support issue for this: http://www.igniterealtime.org/issues/browse/JM-1497

go vote for this issue to get it resolved sooner.