Limit access by AD group

We are migrating to Exchange 2007, so need to move to another IM system.

We are currently looking at OpenFire/Spark combo, however we would like to be able to limit logon access to specific User Groups, not users

Is this possible? If so how can it be done?



The openfire server can be configured to limit access to users that are a member of an AD group. For example the is the filter i user to limit my test server to members of the IS department:

<![CDATA[[(&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(memberOf=cn=ChatISteam,ou=Cha tGroups,ou=accounts,dc=domain,dc=com))]]]> /code


Thanks for the reply, where abouts would I put that string?



That is a user filter. You can edit your openfire.xml settings file directly to add this. The file is located in the conf folder of the openfire program folder. You must stop the server before entereing this value. I have attached my sample openfire.xml file.

Thankyou for your help, I was about to reply saying it wasn’t working, but in doing that I realised I had missed an OU out.

