Logging in twice with the same username and password

Can someone tell me what is supposed to happen if I attempt to log in twice with the same username/password? I would expect and exception of some sort scolding me for attempting to login twice but that doesn’'t appear to happen.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - AYAL

XMPP supports multiple login with the same jid, so no exception should occur.

My experience thus far is that the first connection to log in will be kicked off by the second connection. I get a ‘‘stream:conflict’’ thrown by the first connection.

Do you happen to have a ref to the XMPP spec that talks about multiple logins?

Thanks again - AYAL


you should change the resource if you want to login two times. The server (eg Wildfire /session-conflict.jsp deny logon/kick other/…) decides what to do if the resource is the same.


Yes, I forgot to mention that the resource has to be unique.

Do either of you know what happens when you have the same JID, with a difference resource, login at the same time in regards to messages etc? ie if I have foo.res1 and foo.res2 login at the same time and send a message to foo do both foo.res1 and foo.res2 get the same message?

Thanks - AYAL

The message would be delivered to the Resource with the highest priority as far as I know.


The message would be delivered to the Resource with the highest priority as far as I know.” - Spark for example does not offer to set the priority.

Then the server decides what to do as far as I know. Wildfire sends the messages to the connection which was used recently. So if you login foo.res3 and send a message to xyz then Wildfire will send all messages for foo to foo.res3.


Would it be possible to write a plugin that would allow this to be configurable? Something like forwarding the packets to all resources of the user. Possibly if all the resources being with a particular prefix?