Login Problems

I use Jive Messenger 2.1.5 over Win NT, sometimes when the users try login receive a mensage about pass error, and the client (Exodus) desconect the session, but the password is wright.

In the logs files show this:

2005.07.21 12:55:47 Logging off serverbk/61603215 on org.jivesoftware.messenger.net.SocketConnection@449afc socket: Socket[addr=/XXX.XXX.X.XXX,port=1398,localport=5222] session: org.jivesoftware.messenger.ClientSession@1b3967 status: 1 address: serverbk/61603215 id: 61603215 presence:

Please, help me.


Hola Damián,

Is this problem happening when you try to log in right after you logged off? There was a problem in the 2.1.5 version that was fixed for the upcoming 2.2 release. Other people have reported that Exodus may sometimes have problems connecting to the server. Could you try with other clients to confirm that this is a server issue?


– Gato

No, is in the first log in, this day I can´t start session, but in the follow day I log in without problems.

Gracias Gato.