Looking for old version of hazelcast plugin

I’m looking for version 1.0.6 or 1.05 I would prefer 1.06 please. I’m looking to see if clustering works on openfire 3.82 with a older version of hazelcast as its not working on 3.90+ with the new version.


hazelcast 1.0.6.jar (499270 Bytes)

Thanks a ton!

Do you happen to have hazelcast 1.0.5? I just installed openfire 3.8.2 and tried using the 1.0.6 plugin and openfire said no vaild clustering pluging is installed.

No, i don’t have the 1.0.5 version.

Do you have any idea why it would show installed on the plugins page but say no clustering plugin installed on the clustering page.

Please see photos.



Thanks. I changed the plugin name to hazelcast vs hazelcast 1.0.6 and it worked. Now to find the working configeration for openfire 3.8.2 and hazelcast 1.0.6