Mail configuration to send notifications from a user

I have openfire 4.7.1 installed on Window Server 2012, configured with ldaps and SQL server database.
How can I configure the mail to a user so that he can send me notifications?
How to add mail to an openfire user configured as ldap?
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you very much.
All the best.

Can you rephrase your question please? Are you asking for email interoperability with Openfire?

I see that you have the option to configure email and I imagine that it can be used to send notifications.
Do you have that option?
And it does not allow me to add the email address to the user.
I do not know how to do it.
Thank you very much.
All the best.

Are you talking about the functionality that you can enable in the admin console, under Server > Server Manager > Email Settings?

This isn’t really used by Openfire other than to send some basic notifications about administrative notifications. To be honest, I never really used it.

So it’s really useless?

I would not say that, but it probably is for the functionality that you had in mind. :slight_smile:

And if I want to add the email address to a user that is in ldap, how can I do it?
Thank you very much for your help.
All the best.

Openfire cannot write to LDAP / AD, it can only read from it. If the users in LDAP already have an email address which does not show in Openfire, then you need to adjust the profile mapping. You can do this in the admin console: Server > Server Settings > Profile Settings

I was able to add it through the AD but when I test sending mail with I get a java error.
A greeting.

I imagine the error is because they only have read access to the user.
A greeting.

A question I wanted to ask you.
Do you know any tutorial or the way to have the internal chat with local .LAN domain working as I have it now but that I can communicate with mobile devices in both IOS and Android?
Taking into account that the certificate is self-signed.
Thank you very much for your help.
All the best.

To communicate with devices outside the LAN, the server that runs Openfire needs to be routeable for the outside world. When your XMPP domain differs from the public hostname of the server, DNS SRV records can be created to map between the two. Any certificate needs to cover the XMPP domain (ideally also the hostname) and some subdomains. When the certificate is self-signed, then you will need to configure your clients to accept that.

Do you know of any guide that I can follow step by step?
A greeting

I can create a wildcard self-signed certificate, for example *.domain.lan

It is hard to create a generic guide for this, as setup is typically pretty specific to the environment in which the server is deployed. There is no ‘one size fits all’ guide that I know of, but if you Google around, you will find plenty of tutorials.

A wildcard certificate will work, as long as it covers both the XMPP domain name and the host name of the server, as used by all clients.

Thanks very much.
A greeting.