Manually unload plugins


When i choose plugins in the admin console it only shows the table header - no plugins are listed. I’‘ve tried removing and adding the plugins from the plugin-dir and starting and stopping the server but nothing seems to fix it. There’'s some kind of inconsistency - can i unload plugins manually or how do i fix this?

Im running version 2.1.5.


Hi Thomas,

Are you seeing any errors in the logs?



I,m getting a bit frustrated… I cannot get plugins to work. I now made a clean install of the 2.2.0 version on a FC1 and on a FC3. On the FC3 it works perfectly, but not on the FC1 machine…argh! I’'ve enabled debugging but no errors of any kind comes out. It says Extracting plugin: registration but it does not say Loading plugin registration as it should. What do i do?

Hi Thomas,

Do all the plugins not work on the FC1 machine or just the registration plugin?



Hey Thomas,

Make sure that the name of the jar files are in lowercase. There is a bug in JM 2.2.0 that is fixed in the nightly build version that prevents plugins from loading if they have uppercase letters in the jar filename. This only happens under *nix.

Let us know if that fixed the problem you are experiencing.


– Gato

I’'ve tried with 3 different plugins under FC1 and none of them work. The symptoms are the same. I checked that the jar file name is all lower case letters. When you go to the plugin menu item in the admin interface you would expect either a row saying no plugins installed or row(s) with installed plugins. I get neither and i only see the header of the table…it looks wrong…

Please help.

I get neither and i only see the header of

the table…it looks wrong…

This sounds very strange. There’'s nothing at all in the error log related? You might also try enabling the debug log, restarting, then see what is says about loading plugins.



I’‘m watching the log and i have also enabled debugging. When i copy in the jar file when the server is running nothing happens at all. When i then restart the server all i see is in the debug log: 2005.08.13 09:05:27 Extracting plugin: registration - but nothing about loading and no exceptions what so ever. I’'ve an exact same setup on a FC3 where everything works fine…

I’'ve an exact same setup on a FC3 where

everything works fine…

and what about permissions in plugin dir and plugins themselves? Which user is starting JM?

ls -al plugins/

total 40

drwxr-xr-x 4 jive jive 4096 Aug 13 09:05 .

drwxr-xr-x 13 jive jive 4096 Aug 13 08:37 …

drwxr-xr-x 3 jive jive 4096 Aug 13 08:33 admin

drwxr-xr-x 4 jive jive 4096 Aug 13 09:05 registration

-rw-rw-r-- 1 jive jive 22272 Aug 13 00:56 registration.jar

The jive user is starting the server.