Members of This Group - LDAP

I’‘m having a couple problems getting wildfire to populate the groups from AD correctly. I’‘ve managed to populate the groups, but the usernames that show up are wrong for the groups that represent other cities thus users can’'t see/connect with users from other cities.

Is there a way to get the Usernames match the corresponding group?

In City1

Users that belong to the group “City1” show up correctly (, can connect and chat with users from the same city

Users that belong to the group “City2” show up incorrectly ( instead of and can’'t chat with users from City1. If added manually, the users can chat.

In City2

Same as above, but inverted.

I’‘m trying to avoid having to manually create the groups for each city on each server with it’'s users.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Is there a wiki for wildfire configuration? It would be nice if it were possible to have a place where everyone that has learned something or configured wildfire in a certain way could share their experience with others and make it easy to find/read/improve.

Thanks again for a great product

I believe that Wildfire only supports a single domain, so all of your users will show up as If you want multiple domains, you will multiple Wildfire servers.

That’‘s exactly what I’‘m seeing. I have 5 servers in 5 different cities, but I can’‘t get the users (jid’'s?) in the roosters to show up correctly from LDAP for cities other than the local one. I disabled LDAP groups and created the groups manually which is working but could be better (each new/terminated user needs to be added/removed from the 5 servers). My suggestion to the programmers of wildfire would be to have an option to specify a domain when sharing groups. Also, the usernames show up as you mention, instead of having their names pulled form AD.