Members unable to join ''memebers only'' conference

I am using JM 2.20 with AD/LDAP authentication. I have several public conferences setup and working well. In an attempt to setup a conference as ‘‘members only’’, the members listed were unable to join the conference. Exodus would just report that the conference was destroyed. I was able to make the users ‘‘admins’’ and get them to login, but don’'t want them to have the capability of an admin.

The chat server is just named ‘‘chat’’ and I have added users as uid@chat. I have also tried adding them as with the same results. The logs don’'t seem to point to anything wrong.

Ideas anyone?

The chat server is just named ‘‘chat’’ and I have added

users as uid@chat. I have also tried adding them as with the same results. The logs

don’'t seem to point to anything wrong.

if your server is “server” and conference service “conference” you should add users as:


jid == uid, (jabber ID)

as about your problem, maybe “Only login with registered nickname” is checked in room settings? Try unchecking this.

Thank you, deselecting “Only login with registered nickname” got it to work.

How is that option supposed to work?

What is a registered nickname and where is it registered?


have you read the first thread i have posted above? It’‘s hard to describe in short term. Registered nickname it’‘s a nickname you define when registering with room. I mean registering with your client and not through putting users to Members-list in Admin Console. So users put in members-list by admin doesnt have registered nickname (nickname != username). Try registering with room with client and look at members-list again. You’'ll see such entry:

username@server (registered_nickname)

At this point there is no option to define registered nickname in Admin Console. But you can vote for this:


This feature will let you restrict your users from using any custom nickname in MUC. I really need this in my deployment.

We have just tried to use the “Only login with registered nickname” settings of Wildfire. I also voted for JM-353 because in our enterprise systems we have a need for this.

Does anyone have an idea when 2.5 will come out and this feature will be implemented?

Wildfire 2.5 seems to be a major release with many new and improved features. Actually many of the features I am waiting for (file transfer, encrypted passwords, HTTP support, nicknames, PubSub…) are scheduled for this release.

Have almost forgotten about this one. It seems there is no need in MUC at all in our organization As about fix version, often it just keeps changing to a next one with every release (maybe automaticly by JIRA?). So you cant now when it will be implemented really.