Merge Private Conversation Windows?

I am running Spark 2.6.3 and Openfire 3.7.1. We have users supplied by Active Directory. Users are currently frustrated by having separate private message windows from the same user.

For example, if user A messages user B from the spark contact list, a new chat window will open on user A’s machine with user B’s displayName. If user A is in a group chat containing user B and then attempts to private message user B by double clicking his name in the group chat contact list, a new chat window will open on user A’s machine with user B’s username. This can get confusing for some users and also inhibits their ability to log chat conversations properly. Is it possible for Spark to automagically merge multiple private conversation windows (private conversation initiated from contact list merged with a private conversation initiated from the chat room contact list)?

Current behavior is compliant with XMPP standards.