Message archiving broken in 3.8.0

just a guess, but you probably would want to truncate the table instead of dropping… plugin might freak out if its expecting a table that is no longer there…

or maybe uninstall the plugin, check if the tables still exist (drop if they do) and then re-install the plugin to allow it to create the tables again…

Regarding support, did you take your time an look through the forum? You may find this one useful:

Deleting plugins does not automatically delete the table in the DB. The plugin creates performs a number of DB changes (below is the PostGREs version of the changes). It also creates a ofID entry with IDtype=600 and the next number to use for a archive entry.

Revoking to an older version of Monitoring or deleting a plugin requires some DB maintenance. And that’s always difficult.

INSERT INTO ofVersion (name, version) VALUES (‘monitoring’, 1);

CREATE TABLE ofConversation (
conversationID        INTEGER       NOT NULL,
room                  VARCHAR(1024) NULL,
isExternal            SMALLINT      NOT NULL,
startDate             BIGINT        NOT NULL,
lastActivity          BIGINT        NOT NULL,
messageCount          INTEGER       NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT ofConversation_pk PRIMARY KEY (conversationID)
CREATE INDEX ofConversation_ext_idx   ON ofConversation (isExternal);
CREATE INDEX ofConversation_start_idx ON ofConversation (startDate);
CREATE INDEX ofConversation_last_idx  ON ofConversation (lastActivity);
CREATE TABLE ofConParticipant (
conversationID       INTEGER       NOT NULL,
joinedDate           BIGINT        NOT NULL,
leftDate             BIGINT        NULL,
bareJID              VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
jidResource          VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
nickname             VARCHAR(255)  NULL
CREATE INDEX ofConParticipant_conv_idx ON ofConParticipant (conversationID, bareJID, jidResource, joinedDate);
CREATE INDEX ofConParticipant_jid_idx ON ofConParticipant (bareJID);
CREATE TABLE ofMessageArchive (
conversationID    INTEGER         NOT NULL,
fromJID           VARCHAR(1024)   NOT NULL,
fromJIDResource   VARCHAR(1024)   NULL,
toJID             VARCHAR(1024)   NOT NULL,
toJIDResource     VARCHAR(1024)   NULL,
sentDate          BIGINT          NOT NULL,
body              TEXT
CREATE INDEX ofMessageArchive_con_idx ON ofMessageArchive (conversationID);
id            VARCHAR(100)         NOT NULL,
updatedDate   BIGINT               NOT NULL,
bytes         bytea                NULL,

This has been tried. I even tried setting up a new blank VM And starting from scratch and install 1.3.1 beta 2 from scratch and I Get the small result.

Thanks for the input though.

Just a head up about the XMPP date time parsing bug regarding the monitoring plugin. This is tracked as OF-646 and should be fixed in the latest nighlies. Please test.

Is there a query to extract missing chat logs from the embedded-db? I really need access to the missing chat history.


So where do I do this at??? Can I pretty please have detailed instructions? I’m using Openfire 3.81 with Monitoring plugin 1.30.

yesterday i rebooted the server, then stopped the services and copied the

C:\Program Files\Openfire\embedded-db\openfire.script

file to the desktop, and renamed it to openfire.txt. scanning the data i do see the “missing” conversations.

I copied sections into wordpad, and opened with excel, The data is CSV format, and the data is all there,

Currently working on how to get it back into the GUI…