Message - > Event type

Hi @Flow,

Want to ask about pub sub issue. I’m using smack 4.1, how do I call to get the message body from pub sub?
I’m alway get message.getBody() is null. Please advise.

Below is mine sample xml pub sub message

< message from=‘57_1512485114715@conference.server’ to=‘57@server’>

< items node=‘urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages’>
< item id=‘1098592086457728916’>
< message
xmlns=‘jabber:client’ from=‘57_1512485114715@conference.server/57’ to=‘57@server’ xml:lang=‘en’ id=‘sEHYd-9’ type=‘groupchat’>
< body>again test< /body>
< custom
< isprivate>0< /isprivate>
< contenttype>message< /contenttype>
< /custom>
< /message>
< /item>
< /items>
< /event>
< /message>