Modify served crossdomain.xml


i have a rather simple question We are running Openfire with the newest Version 3.5.2 and establish a connection through Flash with the XIFF 2.0.0-Beta 4 (AS2 was a requirement) library. Everything works fine, the crossdomain.xml gets served and a connection is established successfully, even at the standard server port.

Now we would like to modify the served crossdomain xml code. Openfire generates a crossdomain.xml file with a wildcard clearance and we would like to limit this to specific IPs. Is this somehow possible?

Enclosed is the generated crossdomain.xml code:

<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="80"/>

Thanks & Regards


Sorry for bumping this but a response would be really nice.


Opened JM-1452 for this issue.