Our organization is looking for a way to have our Spark conversations (for specific users would be great) sent via e-mail. This is for industry compliance purposes. Is there any way to configure Openfire/Spark or a plugin to provide this functionality?
Hi GatorIT,
What do mean exactly when you want to have Spark conversation sent via email? Are you looking for a way to monitor/save conversations that can then be saved, say in to a pdf file, and then emailed? If so, you might want to look at the Monitoring Service plugin.
Hope that helps,
We have the Monitoring plug-in installed, but I don’t believe it has the functionality we’re looking for. We’d like to have all Spark dialog sent to a specified e-mail address automatically. Either in real-time (as each message is sent) or a daily digest. Ideally this could be enabled only for specified users and sent in the body of the e-mail message rather than an attachment. This is so that a compliance officer can review the dialog for content.
Hi GatorIT,
Ah, I understand, you’re right that the monitoring plugin does not have what you’re looking for. However, it would be possible to modify the monitoring plugin to add the functionality you’re wanting or create a new plugin that would automatically generate and email hourly/daily/weekly reports using the data the monitoring plugin records. It would also be possible to create a plugin that doesn’t use the monitoring plugin or its data at all, but rather just watches for messages from/to a specific user (or users) and sends copies of those messages via email in “real time”. A possible downside to the “real time” approach could be that the email recipient getting flooded with emails if the user was sending a lot of messages or they were monitoring more than one user.
If you’d be interested in having one of these plugins developed let me know and we can take this discussion offline.
Have you had any luck finding a solution that does this? I’d be interested to see one.