Monitoring plugin is not working correctly


I am using Openfire 3.7.0 and monitoring plugin 1.3.0. But I am getting an error as follows

I have tried with Both Openfire 4.3.2 and Monitoring service 1.7.0 as well same issue occurring. Please let me know if anyone faced the same and solution for this

I can’t say about 3.7.0 and 1.3.0 as these are very old versions. Is this exactly the same on the new server? Maybe it shows ??? in these places? This sounds like this issue which is not fixed yet.

Yes, this is same exactly on the new server as well.
I thought its issue first. But when i clicked on the server. It is showing a null pointer exception.

I’m not going to reply to issues with 3.7.0. This version is 8 years old. Don’t expect to get help for such ancient version. If you have issues with recent Openfire and Monitoring plugin issues, then report and we will try to help.