Monitoring Service pdf view


I have problem with plugin Monitoring Service. If I view hostory in PDF, I can`t see non english symbols like russian. In web console I see all symbols in Archiving without problems.

There is a ticket filed for this

I have Openfire 4.2.3 on Ubuntu server 16.04. May be anybody have recompiled Monitoring Service with new font with russian symbols support?
I try to compile and i got an error:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin>javac error: not a statement
_ e;_
_ ^_ error: not a statement
_ e;_
_ ^_
2 errors

Anybody can help me with this issue?
Can you help me how decompile and again compile .class files?

Where I can find source code of Monitoring service plugin last version or may be anybody have compiled this plugin with UTF font?

Ok, thank’s. Anybody know how correct compile and create jar for this plugin in Intellij IDEA?

I create with File-Project Structure-Artifacts-±JAR-From modules with dependencies-Module monitoring-OK-Apply-Ok. Than Build-Build Artifacts-monitoring.jar-Build.
Next I look in jar archive and there is no folder lib, database,web, i18n and files .gif, .html, .xml. In my jar another structure.