Monitoring Service: XEP-0136 only returns oldest conversation to the client

I’ve just upgraded from Openfire-3.7.1 with Monitoring Service plugin: 1.2.0 to Openfire-3.8.1 with Monitoring Service Plugin: 1.3.0 and on my Android Xabber client, server-side logs are only returning the oldest conersation when Xabber asks the server for the server logs. The database is Postgresql 8.3.5.

When Monitoring service does the server logs query, it first does “SELECT DISTINCT ofConversation.conversationID,, ofConversation.isExternal, ofConversation.startDate, ofConversation.lastActivity, ofConversation.messageCount, ofConParticipant.joinedDate, ofConParticipant.leftDate, ofConParticipant.bareJID, ofConParticipant.jidResource, ofConParticipant.nickname, ofMessageArchive.fromJID, ofMessageArchive.toJID, ofMessageArchive.sentDate, ofMessageArchive.body FROM ofConversation INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID WHERE ofConParticipant.bareJID = $1 AND (ofMessageArchive.toJID = $2 OR ofMessageArchive.fromJID = $3)”, but then only does one: “SELECT DISTINCT ofConversation.conversationID, ofConversation.startDate, ofConversation.lastActivity, ofConParticipant.bareJID FROM ofConversation INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID WHERE ofConversation.conversationID = $1 ORDER BY ofConversation.startDate” where ofConversation.conversationID is the oldest id that was returned in the first query.

I have added link to this thread in comments to OF-611. Maybe they are related.

I’ve just updated to Monitoring Service 1.3.1-beta2 and am getting the same result. The web based search works fine so it’s only a problem with the query when sending to the jabber client.

Also, the main query returns all of the relevant conversation ids


I’m facing the same issue. It seems to fetch only the first conversation. I just installed 1.3.2-beta1, it’s now possible to limit the maximum numbers of days the client is able to receive. If I set this to 7, I only get the first conversation 7 days ago. Setting this to 1 gets the first conversation of the present day. But just the first conversation.



i am having same problem with the open archive plugin for openfire, i am using openfire 3.8.2 and it also just fetch only the first conversation. its been a week but unable to solve the problem . i would be much thankful if anyone could help

In this Post I tried to describe the problem and solution.