Monitoring Service

Hi All,

i have installed a monitoring service in my openfire server and all logs are working great. It´s the beginning of my problems, my boss don´t want

his conversations logged. How can I excluded his logs ?

Sorry about my english.

Help me.

Plzzzzz… Urgency…

The monitoring service is pretty muchh all or nothing. You either monitor communications or you don’t. This is a case where your boss needs to trust his IT staff not to abuse their power. If the policy calls for monitoring communications then his are are going to be monitored as well.


Some time ago my developers made patch for this feature. I even sent it to Openfire developers, but get no answer.

I think they have declined your patch as they see this plugin as Todd has described. It is intended to monitor everything without exceptions. It doesnt have a database clearing option for the same reason.

Your patch can be still appreaciated by the community (but it would need updating to the latest plugin’s version). I suggest you to post it say in this part of the forums, or in Dev, or maybe in the Contributors group as a document with a description and maybe some instruction and with a patch as an attachment.

Ideally one would have to create a separate plugin which supports exceptions.

Another option is to use old Audit Logs option in Openfire. It supports exceptions. But those logs are hardly readable and need some xml parsing.


It make follow extentions fo monitoring system:

In Server->Archiving->Archiving Setting section new fields added: Only archive One-To-One convernsations and metadata when at least one user belongs to the group from the list (separated by comma) and Don’t archive rooms prefixed with:

If fields is empty, all work like without patch. If something added to them, then:

for first field: chats will be archived only for groups from the list. Messages even not stored to archive but skipped.

For second field: it’s exclusion for “private” chats, all messages in this chats do not stored in archive.

Main reason for this patch is work with webchat. My company want to keep a privacy of it personnel communication but wish store all protocols of communications with customers.

Can u post for windows?

The monitoring service is pretty muchh all or nothing. You either monitor communications or you don’t. This is a case

where your boss needs to trust his IT staff not to abuse their power. If the policy calls for monitoring communications

then his are are going to be monitored as well.

Todd, you make a mistake. Because I have a situation: we are trust our personnel. We not wish save all words typed in. But we need communication protocols of customer support group, when it talk to customers (webchat for example, but not only). Its very usable when teamleader analyze a complains from customers. And we would like to keep a privacy our workers.

I do not have any. But this patch must be usable for any OS, because of java

If you can’t unpack it, try 7zip archiver, for example. It free and undestand a lot of archive formats

ok, there is patched compiled .jar


Don’t forget: new functionality is “inverted” your needs. So, you must include all except your boss to special group and enable logging for this group. Sor, when you boss will chat with somebody (except your personnel!) his messages will not archived.