MUC and status code 110 missing

Hello, I ‘m reading the Professional XMPP programming with js (by Jack Moffitt), and he explain that on an new multi-user-chat session, after retrieving others’ presence element, I have to receive the presence element of myself with the status code 110.

I’m using Openfire as server (on windows).

Here are the 3 steps I’d like to share with you :

STEP 1. SEND presence element to enter the room “nouveausalon@conference.alexandre.local” with the nickname “red2”:

 <presence to='nouveausalon@conference.alexandre.local/red2' xmlns='jabber:client'><x xmlns='['/]('/)></presence></body>

STEP 2. RECV presence elements of others participants of the room “nouveausalon@conference.alexandre.local” (here, the presence element of the user “red1”)

 <presence xmlns='jabber:client' to='user2@alexandre.local/d2c28063' from='nouveausalon@conference.alexandre.local/red1'><x xmlns='[]('><item affiliation='none' role='participant'/></x></presence>

STEP 3. RECV the presence element of myself, to confirm that I joined the room (and also a room description message from the server).

 <presence xmlns='jabber:client' to='user2@alexandre.local/d2c28063' from='nouveausalon@conference.alexandre.local/red2'><x xmlns='[]('><item affiliation='none' role='participant'/></x></presence>

sujet du salon

Where is the status element “” in step 3 described by MUC protocol ?

Did I missed something to implement MUC ?

I found another discussion, without responses here “”, I hope it’s not a stupid question…

Thank you for your help,



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Not stupid at all. Sounds like a valid bug report. Openfire’s code is old and may not be up to date with every XEP. Note that Example 24 also says that also 210 should be send.

Thank you for your help!

So what does it mean ? Can I consider Openfire as a solid and permanent solution or not?

Thanks again,


I experienced same problem as well. This seems a kind of Openfire bug.