Multiple Active Directory domains


is it possible to load the user list from several OUs? I mean, inmy organization we have 6 AD domains (one parent and five childs). I have succesfully installed JiveMessenger on the parent domain, but I’'d like to provide the Jabber server for the whole enterprise. Can that be done at the moment?

Best regards,


PS. Extremely easy setup! Truly plug-n-play! Kudos for the developers…

If you set it to the parent domain, you should be able to load users from all the child domains (it will load users down the entire tree).



Hmm, I must be doing somethng wrong then. In my case, it will only load the users from my domain (given that the baseDN is CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com) If I have users in another OU it will not load them.