MultiUserChatService Extension

Hi Folks,

I am developing an extended MultiUserChatService, by extending MultiUserChatServiceImpl Class somethting like this

ABCService extends MultiUserChatServiceImpl{ }

Now to start this service I need to get these things done in my initialization method(…i guess):

ABCService muc = new ABCService(subdomain, description, isHidden);
        XMPPServer.getInstance().getMultiUserChatManager().insertService(subdomain, description, isHidden);

But the problem I am facing is insertService method is private in MultiUserChatManager…

Without making this public I can’t get my service into the DB, Should’nt this method be made public so other components/plugins can use it to get a custom muc into the DB?

Or is there a better way to do this than above … Any suggestions will be welcome …
