My build result... please help

I have build a skinned version of spark… But I was wondering why is this happen… Menu items were displayed without spaces… Please refer to to attachments… thanks!

what Look And Feel are you using?

this looks like the outdated Synthetica Blue Moon

Ooops, I forgot to mention, this version happened in 2.5.8… works fine when Look And Feel selected under Preferences… I tried re-building it again with lower version of JRE windows-x86-1.6.0_19.tar.gz instead of windows-x86-1.6.0_26_us_only.tar.gz… And guess what master Wolf_P it fixed everything!!!

My problem now is disabling the forum and the userguide… I tried adding some text in came from 2.6.2 but It doesn’t took effect!

Here’s what I did with my

the stuff is not present in 2.5.8, it was added between 2.6.0 and 2.6.3 so it wont work

Thank you so much for the input master Wolf_P!.. more power to you!