Custom avatars. You can now upload your own avatars. At the moment I have custom avatar moderation turned off, so don’'t abuse it.
Browsing history. Try the “Recent History” button in the upper right-hand corner next to the help button. It will help you get back to threads you’'ve recently viewed.
Hi Matt! Any chance of getting a separate forum set up for the forum itself? I’‘ve run into a couple of issues here and there and don’'t really have a good idea of where I would post them. =)
Since these new features have been added, I dont get
email notification for threads Im watching anymore.
Did something else break?
Yeah. Just give me the old one feature back! Seriously, i dont have time to browse whole forums lately, so it was nice to get notifies ant read only watched threads.
Custom avatars, have noticed Have asked about requirements, suppose 32x32px PNG only?
We’'re working on the email watch problem now. Hopefully there will be a fix in place by tonight.
Also, it might be a good idea to have a feedback forum to report issues in general. That would make it so that you don’'t have to create a new account on Let me think about it for a bit…