New language

Can i contribute whit portuguese language for spark ?

if so how can i do it ?

There is already purtugese-brasil translation. Is it not suitable for you? Then you can extrect spark.jar, go to i18n dir and edit english translation. Changed file should be corretly converted into unicode file. I think native2ascii tool, which is a part of JDK, can help with that. Then you should submit your translation here (attach).

well i can’t find any portuguese even brasilian language on spark only on openfire… well i can manage to make pt_PT for spark it will take a while… but i can do it… are any plans to do a new version soon ? more vista like ?

Hi, Madinfo…

Just tested 2.5.8 and the last DEV (2.6.0-dev2) and both have pt_BR support, just that 2.5.8 has a bug…

On installation, if Your system is a pt_BR version, it is recognized and all is ok… running Spark present You pt_BR messages, but don’t try to change language to anything on the list… it’ll change but never permit You (as much as I know ) to come back to pt_BR… it will be either being listed on the languages menu… it desappears. I tested uninstall and re-install it, but got only English messages… tried the configuration change proposed elsewhere on the forum, but was not recognized…

After that I tried 2.6.0-dev2 and everithing was ok… I could go from and to pt_BR and it always worked… just that in this change I lost the voice call hability…

Hope that this explanations help…

P.S.: not all messages are translated… and there are new ones on the forthcoming version… maybe there could You help…

madinfo wrote:

are any plans to do a new version soon ? more vista like ?

There are plans, but no exact date. I think this can take long. So far there is only one community member working on Spark. What do you mean by “vista like”?

Its vista look not like (lhame on me) more like msn messenger…

Can you post te pt_BR file ? i will translate the missing ones and get it on pt_PT.

madinfo wrote:

Its vista look not like (lhame on me) more like msn messenger…

As long as i remember, Spark is showing Vista window decorations (especially when using System native look and feel option). Any other changes to the design are unlikely as we only have one programmer working on it and no designers.