New wildfire implementation showing java memory errors

Just a follow on note.

We were never able to get over 595 sessions. Memory errors would start at around 550 users. In addition, the server would just deteriorate over time and eventually throw errors on the SQL threads and others - TCP/IP resources all used up, etc. We had to re-start the service every 3 days.

The impact on the user community was immense, and we were directed to ‘‘pull the plug’’ on the new server and roll back to our jabbber 1.4 environment. It’'s a shame. I really like the wildfire implementation - the tools, ease of use, plug-ins, etc.

The worst part is that we’‘ve managed to sour management on Jabber as a corporate IM standard now. I don’'t haven any support to ''get it working and try again. Instead they want to focus on Micro$oft…

The bottom line is that the addition of external LDAP/AD authentication just overwhelmed Wildfire, and we had not anticipated that when choosing and testing the server. I sure wish I had done a lab-based load test of 2000 users before migrating…


Hi Pat,

this sounds really ad and I wonder which kind of OutOfMemory errors you did hit.

errors on the SQL threads” - in the Event Log or generated by Wildfire? Did you tune the connection pool with min/max connections?

TCP/IP resources all used up” sounds like a Windows/Micro$oft problem.

One did test Wildfire plus Connection Managers with 300,000 users (only login, no messaging / vCard / … and no LDAP) so I wonder why you get so much trouble.


It should be noted that the 300,000 connections wasn’'t using Socket connections but custom code plugged into the ConnectionManager simulating clients connecting.
