Newbie Question concerning Jabber Registration/XIFF Website intergration

I’‘ve never built an IM application into a website before this current project. The client wants an IM interface so that website users, who are logged in, can chat with each other. Does anyone know if I can use my register users page to create unique jabber account for each new user? Can I used XIFF if I am using a shared server to host the website (hence I can’‘t directly install anything onto the server)? These are definitely newbie question and for that I apologize but I promise if you can help me out I’'ll be happen to contribute back to Jabber community.


Todd AKA Shakakai

yes you can

for the registration there are 3 ways to do it, first is to add a record in the jive-messenger database your self, second is to use a “shared” user database (eg ldap) and third is to write a simple jabber client on the server that hosts the registration (app server) that uses jabber to register the user in the jabber server.

The first one can have problems with eg caching in the jabber server, 2e got no problems i know of, and 3e also got no problems i know of but is somewhat harder to do (eg user changes password, deletes registration and so on).

And xiff is only the actionscript side, compile it to swf, put it on the web server and your off. You just need a jabber server(eg jive-messenger) running somewhere that the swf connects to. Using the same server (dns name) is prefered cause the security sandbox of flash can be tricky