No Gtalk in list

I’'ve installed Openfire 3.3.1, IM Gateway 1.0.2

I have no google talk in gateway list.

How can I communicate with gtalk?

I found an answer on the forum.

When approximately it will appear?

I don’‘t actually have any sort of expected date what-so-ever yet. I began working on it but stopped because another developer wrote up all of the pieces in a very short period of time. So at this point all we’'re doing is working on getting the contributor agreement signed so i can incorporate his code.

Note that usually, having s2s up & running is good enough for communicating with gtalk. The gateway is only required when you want to log in using your gmail address.

S2S? And then, what settings should be done to make this work?

To allow a random Jabber server software deployment (Tigase, Openfire, jabberd14, jabberd2, ejabberd, Jabber XCP, amongst others) to connect to other Jabber servers on the Internet:

  1. Your server should be accessible from the Internet.

  2. Your server should have a valid DNS domain name that can be resolvable like any other domain.

If those 2 requirements are met, connections to other servers on the Net should work out-of-the-box …yes, that’'s much easier than deploying most email server software