No port 5220 listening after i start Jive

Hi list,

Installed the Jive 2.2.0 rpm,

when i start jive from the bin folder via command line it says messenger has “started”(sending the nohup.also). but when i do an nmap of localhost, port 5220( 5221),are not listening. I also telnet localhost 5220 and no connection.

I tryed the new 2.3.0 beta with same results. i tryed this on two diff linux servers >> FC3

I also setup the redhat-postinstall well as the messeger to see if it would start as a service, whne i go to the GUI services Gnome,and click start it just hangs untill i have to kill the Gnome service GUI.I have version 1.50 jre. do i need the JDK java package?

Any ideas,



The startup script is actually a little broken, as it does not actually confirm that JM has started, so don’'t rely on that. There is also unfortunately no way for the script to detect the status of JM. To see if JM is actually running, try something like:

ps -eo pid,args | grep ‘‘org.jivesoftware.messenger’’ | awk ‘’{ print $1 }’’

It should return one process number if JM is actually running. Next, try running:

ps -f $ | less with you substituting the process number you got from the first command for $. The output of that command could maybe be helpful here.

Next, have you setup JM with the Admin Console? If not, point a browser to http://localhost:9090/ and follow the instructions. Let us know of any problems.

Finally, after making sure you restarted the server after configuring, see if you can connect via an XMPP client. If not, try “telnet localhost 5222” (unless you changed the default port to 5220 or something). Let us know what happens.

I’‘m a Mandriva (and KDE) user, so I don’‘t quite know how things should work in FC3 under Gnome. But, the jive-messengerd script does not follow the standard method of notifying my system of successful change of status. (Nor does it do a bunch of other things correctly for that matter…) So, it’'s quite possible that your “GUI services Gnome” cannot handle the case of non-standard script output.

I believe the JM RPM comes with JRE 1.5.0 for i586 (even though the JM RPM says it can work on an i386), so you don’‘t need any JRE or JDK on your system other than what comes in the JM RPM. I’'m not sure which JRE would take precedence if you have one installed by the JM RPM and one installed for the system though.