I’‘m writing a custom Jabber client connecting to a Messenger 2.1.2 server. I can authenticate and join a groupchat, but after that I never see messages or presence from other users in the room. The server shows that I’'m authenticated and in the room. Exodus clients in the same room can see my client and get messages I send from it and from each other. As a test, I tried the following in a raw terminal session:
Send stream:stream to the server. I get back a stream element.
Send an auth to the server. I get back a result and appear in the server session list.
Send a to the groupchat server. I appear in the groupchat list for all the Exodus clients in the room.
After that, I get nothing. No presence messages arrive from other clients in the room. If I send a message from another client, it doesn’'t show up in the terminal session, even though it shows up in the other Exodus clients.
I must be missing something really obvious, but I’'m baffled.