Offline message only support english and number?

Hello, I use openfire and test offline message. But I test offline message only show english or number text. If I type chinese font is no show. My client is use spark. Could not support it?

Offline messages are stored in the database, so your database has to support this charset. I think you have to use UTF for database, but i don’t know the specifics. Also, what version of Openfire?

I use openfire 4.4.0. How to check my database?

Are you using embedded database or external like MySQL?

I use Mysql.

I don’t have much experience with MySQL. There should be a config file where you can set the encoding. Or maybe this has to be done to the table itself. Google about enabling utf in mysql.

I found it’s will write to mysql if english or number.But chinese NOT write to database. If not support it’s should show unknow code. But it’s not write to database.

I’m not using mysql, but I suppose you should add something like “useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8” to your connectionstring.

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