We are pleased to announce the first beta release of Openfire 3.3.0. In this release the packages names were renamed to openfire thus breaking compatibility with previous versions. Besides more renaming work the new release includes some important bug fixes. Due to the lack of compatibility all plugins need to be updated. Complete list of changes can be found here.
You can download the new version from the following links:
Openfire Enterprise 3.3.0 Beta has also been released. Transfer between workgroups has been fixed. Download the beta version from here, the webchat client from here and spark web from here. Remember to read the upgrade guide before installing the new plugin.
Connection Managers 3.2.4 is compatible with this new release.
As I discover performance of function issues with Openfire 3.3.0 beta, should I be posting them to this forum or somewhere else? I’'ve got my list started already and want to know where to provide the feedback.
I have watched this section of document, but I am not using embedded database and which I ask is about the plugin.
I have the source code of the plugin, It’'s coded for wildfire, I did not know how to modify it to work with the new Openfire. and to compile the source code , do I need to download the source code of Openfire?
it will help a lot to download the Openfire source.
I did not look at the beta code yet, but you may need to replace a few or all occurences of “wildfire” with “openfire” (e.g. import org.jivesoftware.wildfire.*). I’'m not sure that all changes which are related to the name change are finished, maybe Gato want to confirm this before you modify your plugin.
I noticed that sparkmanager 1.1.0 does not work under Openfire 3.3.0 Beta. I know this plugin is superseded by Enterprise, but it does just what I need…prevents spark from updating until I can test and then control the rollout. Is there any chance in heck that this plugin will be updated?
I unfortunately will have to stop upgrading my server after 3.2.4 if that will be the last version that sparkmanager 1.1.0 will be supported… to me sparkmanager 1.1.0 is a CRUCIAL piece of the puzzle in our district… it definitely saves me tons of external bandwidth, furthermore I would not want all my clients getting bugged about upgrade, or possibly even manually doing an upgrade without me being in control of it… for example 2.5.0 of spark comes out, and a bug is there that affects me specifically… now everyone will go right from 2.0.8 to 2.5.0 and I might not want that to happen… I wish someone would fix that sparkmanager 1.1.0 plugin for future versions. I have been looking into purchasing enterprise for a bit now, but there are outstanding unresolved problems that prevent me from getting the funding for it right now do to these bugs… SO PLEASE someone out there maybe provide the source code for the plugin, or maybe continue it to work with the newer versions, or even add an option somewhere for us STANDARD users to maybe even just totally disable updates…
openfire.vmoptions does not work, the values in the file are dropped if they are fine. If they are bad Openfire does not start.
After a new setup the admin password is stored in plain text in the JIVEUSER table, it looks like “admin”, “mypassword”, NULL instead of “admin”, NULL, “jre3ws234dwefdr9sfu2sdj4cfdc3”.