Openfire 3.5.0


I’ve see this same issue several times before in previous version of Openfire. I was unable to determine the cause of the issue, and I was successfully able to work around it. I’m just chiming in to indicate that the problem definitely exists.

Which problem are you referring to? =) db2 having issueS?

I hate to say it that I just can’t reproduce this! I’ve tried a number of times and it won’t throw an error. =/ Is anyone else seeing problems in the last step of setup where it throws a big error?

I get same error on RHEL 4 U5 with Oracle 9i too.

and after restart openfire , It works as usual

After upgrading from 3.4.5 to 3.5.0 I found this on my info log: Found old database version 13 for openfire. Upgrading to version 16…

But this message keeps recurring every time I restart openfire.

Edit: this seems related (from error.log): com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error

in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL

server version for the right syntax to use near 'jid varchar(1024) not

null’ at line 1

This is the first line in mysql upgrade 14!

1 row returned, so should work fine, havent tried on server config yet

It’s been posted a number of times at this point that you may need to tweak the script to get it to run. In your installation directory, edit resources/database/upgrade/14/openfire_mysql.sql and change the line:

ALTER TABLE jiveRoster ALTER COLUMN jid jid varchar(1024) not null;


ALTER TABLE jiveRoster CHANGE COLUMN jid jid varchar(1024) not null;

3.5.1 will include the fix. So far CHANGE COLUMN appears to work properly across the board.

What’s 1 row returned in reference to?

1row returned from:

select current_timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1

Oh! Excellent. Thanks! I got the fix into 3.5.1.


The line

ALTER TABLE jiveRoster ALTER COLUMN jid jid varchar(1024) not null;

can also be replaced with

ALTER TABLE jiveRoster MODIFY COLUMN jid varchar(1024) not null;

As I understand we just want to change column’s type, but not rename it.

IMHO, that would be more logical.

Both work just fine. I’ve used them many times in the past.