Openfire 3.6.3 and search.jar

Hi everybody,

i have Openfire installed on a Ubuntu 8.0.4 an its running.

When i download an install the plugin “search.jar (1.4.3)” it doesent work.

In some other diskussion they are talking about a Version 1.4.4 of the search.jar.

Where can i Download it?

On the Website there is only the search.jar in Version 1.4.3.

Thanks for help!!

1.4.3 is the latest version. What is not working for you? Does it shows up on Plugins page? What do you try to do that doesnt work?

I have installed the search.jar and it appears on the Plugin Page.

But i can´t find any Button to get to the settings of it.

When i try to reload it the following Error appears:




Caused by:

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.jivesoftware.openfire.archive.ConversationManager.componentUnregistered(Lorg/xmpp/packet/JID;)V
     at org.jivesoftware.openfire.component.InternalComponentManager.notifyComponentUnregistered(
     at org.jivesoftware.openfire.component.InternalComponentManager.removeComponent(
     at org.jivesoftware.openfire.component.InternalComponentManager.removeComponent(
     at org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.SearchPlugin.destroyPlugin(
     at org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager.unloadPlugin(
     at org.jivesoftware.openfire.admin.plugin_002dadmin_jsp._jspService(
     at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
     at com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.filter.PageFilter.parsePage(
     at com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.filter.PageFilter.doFilter(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
     at org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleFilter.doFilter(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
     at org.jivesoftware.util.SetCharacterEncodingFilter.doFilter(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
     at org.jivesoftware.admin.PluginFilter.doFilter(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
     at org.jivesoftware.admin.AuthCheckFilter.doFilter(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.headerComplete(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
     at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
     at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$

I hope i´m right. The Problem is that the Spark-Search field

tells me that no “Verbidnung zum Sucherservice konnte nicht hergestellt werden” what means in English that no Search-Service could be found.

To solve this Problem i thought that i have to install the “search.jar” Plugin.



in the manual is " Admin Console - Navigate to the “Advance User Search” sidebar item located in under the “Users/Groups” tab."

and the button isn´t there.

You have probably already tried to restart Openfire? Works fine here.

Yes i have tried to restart openfire. I also tried to reinstall Openfire. I also restarted the server

I have

sun-java5-jre 1.5.0-16.2Ubuntu2


sun-java6-jre 6-07-3ubuntu2

installed. During the installation Openfire tells me that every thing is ok.

I have also installed the plugins:


Client Control

Monitoring Service

and everything is ok. Only "search.jar"is not working.

In thread:

they talking about “search.jar” 1.4.4

You can try contacting Ryan to get 1.4.4 version. Though it seems it was fixing the other issue.

Thanks for your help.

Ryan got the answer to solve my Problem.

-> Shut down Openfire

-> Delete all folders and files in Openfire-Plugin Directory except “admin”.

-> Start Openfire

-> Install search.jar first.

-> It Works!!!

Thanks for your help!!!