Openfire 4.2.1+jitsi 2.11.5X cant transfer jpg,gif,png

OpenFire 4.2.1 + jisti 2.11.5x can’t send a jpeg,png,gif files. Log clear, no errors.

Openfire 3.7 +Jitsi 2.11.5x transfer ok, openfire 4.2.1 +spark transfer—ok.

Is there a possibility to fix it?

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Can you provide any logs? Both serverside and client side would be appreciated.

unfortunately the upload files inaccessible to newbies, so I can add link

user send jpg to

only me have this problem?

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we have same problem, jitsi 2.10.5550+openfire 4.2.1

Same for openfire 4.2.3 and jitsi 2.10.5550, can’t transfer picture files

I have the same problem, openfire 4.7.3 and jitsi 2.10.5550.
Openfire under windows.

Me too.