Openfire 4.2.2 Release

The Ignite Realtime Community is pleased to announce the availability of Openfire 4.2.2. This release signifies our continued effort to provide a stable 4.2 series release while work continues on the next release of Openfire.

The changelog denotes the full listing of Jira issues addressed in this release.

Here is a listing of sha1sum values for the release binaries, which can be found on our download page.

a5912ecef9b217cfc8523a1511a4dbd246c85b79  openfire-4.2.2-1.i686.rpm
452d0cc9be6ac6ca1d48a7cb9eb179288cb188f9  openfire-4.2.2-1.noarch.rpm
81319bf1a2d7043fe8a268928b74d96726958ed9  openfire-4.2.2-1.x86_64.rpm
d0efd045551b889b34b545536dd35dda25731879  openfire_4.2.2_all.deb
adbbdb95d689363c23a3a4f99299a984ea5edb36  openfire_4_2_2_bundledJRE.exe
affa39ff5f8b7dac4fef4c0006fe7368d13d7b0b  openfire_4_2_2_bundledJRE_x64.exe
4dd17b0c63e90c7da95d6cc693529267a8c2c33e  openfire_4_2_2.dmg
3e52c491eecae1d59e60d595b70cb3ae619a3ac0  openfire_4_2_2.exe
740b1e50f736d85672c5ecbe77006a69d9019723  openfire_4_2_2.tar.gz
8ee27f266891cc323f3bd5382286dc80c70549d0  openfire_4_2_2_x64.exe
107b2c77ccf020d254d5343c215beeb06045d3d0  openfire_src_4_2_2.tar.gz

Please let us know of any troubles you find by either visiting our webchat or creating posts in our Discourse Openfire Dev Forum. Thanks for using Openfire!


Should this appear as the top post at ?

Front page integration is broken since move to Discourse. I guess it is tricky or time consuming to fix.

Sorry about this, we have yet to migrate the “project pages” to fetch content from discourse and were still using the legacy Jive SBS system. I have dumped that part of the pages now from the website to avoid confusion.