Openfire 4.3.2 Mac Run issues

I cannot understand what the hell I’m doing wrong when upgrading to new version!
My sequense:

  1. Reboot Mac (after reboot 4.3.0 version doesn’t launch because of bug)
  2. Launch a 4.3.2 installer (all steps by default, all goes “fine”)
  3. Launch Openfire from Terminal

sh-3.2# ./
Openfire 4.3.0 [Feb 4, 2019 9:44:12 AM]
Admin console listening at http://…

All I see in console is FIRST SETUP page!! After finishing first setup page all my data is at place and version is STILL 4.3.0!
What is it? Where I did wrong? Please help me

Also now I found a surprize! I create group, add users to it, go back to group list - there are no newly created groups! I create once again - OF says the group exists. Super! I’m going to love uninstall/reinstall OF every update from scratch. It’s cool, but every time i have to create groups for 700+ users :frowning:

It’s not funny